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Diagnostic Modalities

Electro-Acupuncture by Voll (EAV)

Electro-acupuncture uses two needles at each acupuncture point and is connected to a machine that generates a small electric current through the needles. A minimal amount of electricity goes through the needles which produce a slight vibration during treatment.


Urine Analysis for Heavy Metals

Urine Analysis for Heavy Metals is an important part of medical screening. It measures the number of heavy metals in urine. Heavy metals are toxic to the body. They may enter the body because of environmental contamination, or as a result of working with metals. The level of some heavy metals in the body usually becomes toxic when one is exposed to certain chemicals or as a result of eating contaminated food.

Hair Analysis for Heavy Metals

Hair analysis is a way to correctly diagnose heavy metal toxicity. Most people have no idea they have been poisoned. Hair analysis involves cutting off a small section of the hair as close to the scalp as possible (at least a half inch). 

The hair sample is then sent to the lab for testing. The laboratory will test for total mercury and heavy metal toxicity from multiple sources. The lab will report the levels of heavy metals and recommend a treatment plan.

Therapeutic Modalities


Detoxification is a process of elimination through which the body eliminates the by-products of metabolism and environmental pollutants and toxins. The process of eliminating toxic substances from the body is called detoxification. The body has its own natural detoxification process and doctors may recommend detoxification to patients who have been exposed to significant or high levels of toxic substances.


Electrotherapy is a medical therapy that uses electrical currents and is administered directly to the tissues of interest in the body. The goal of this therapy is to augment and facilitate the actions of various natural healing processes of the body. 

Electrotherapy is a therapy in which electrical energy is used to create an increase in blood circulation, an increase in local tissue metabolism, an increase in muscle relaxation, an increase in nerve action, an increase in the elimination of waste products, and an increase in nutrition supply.

Neural Therapy

Neural therapy is an alternative treatment for a number of different neurodegenerative diseases, including Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, and other neurodegenerative ailments. In a nutshell, Neural Therapy is a form of alternative medicine that involves injections that are administered at various points around the body for maximum benefit. 

According to the tenets of Neural Therapy, the injection penetrates into the cerebrospinal fluid and activates the balance between cerebrospinal fluid and the blood, while stimulating the body's natural defenses.

Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy is a medical treatment, where pure oxygen is used to make a concentrated form of ozone. It is a natural treatment used to heal or cure a number of health conditions. This therapy is used to improve the immune system, relieve pain, and remove toxins from your body. Ozone therapy is a holistic treatment used in conjunction with other treatments.

Chelation Therapy

Chelation therapy is an alternative treatment used to remove heavy metals from the body. Chelation is mainly used to treat cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease. Chelation therapy involves the use of drugs that bind to heavy metals and remove them from the body. 

These drugs are mainly used intravenously. Chelation therapy is used to treat heavy metal poisoning, lead poisoning, and iron overload. Chelation therapy helps to reverse atherosclerosis and relieve symptoms of congestive heart failure.

Anti-aging Therapy

This treatment is designed to reduce or minimize wrinkles, sagging skin, and fine lines. This procedure is mostly done on body parts that are susceptible to the onset of aging such as the hands, neck, and face. 

The purpose of the treatment is to restore natural beauty and slow the aging process. The optimal results are achieved after 6-8 sessions, which is one therapy cycle. The duration of one session is 30-60 minutes. The results last up to 2 years.

Bio-oxidative Therapy

Activated oxygen enhances white cell production. promotes red blood cell flow through clogged veins and results in general wellness by improving the oxygen tension in body tissues.

Cancer Control and Treatment

Cancer control and treatment are about reducing the risk of cancer developing in the first place. It also means early detection and treatment of the disease if it does develop.

Homeopathy and Hemotoxicology

Homeopathy is a system of natural medicine based on the principle that "like cures like," or that a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people will cure similar symptoms in sick people. 

The treatment is based on the symptoms of the disease, rather than its cause. It is also a system of diagnosis and uses drugs made from natural substances, especially plants, and chemicals.

Far Infrared Sauna

Far Infrared Saunas use natural, radiant heat. The heat penetrates your skin up to 2 inches, warming the muscles and soft tissues from the inside out. It is a natural, drug-free way to improve circulation, detoxify and lose weight.

Lymphatic Laser Massage

Lymphatic Laser Massage is a technique used to increase the flow and circulation of interstitial fluid. It is a combination of lymphatic drainage massage with cold laser therapy. 

This treatment will assist in the removal of toxins and increase lymphatic flow. This treatment is best for treating cellulite, fluid retention, and detoxification. This treatment helps to improve skin texture, balance collagen, reduce wrinkles, and improve complexion.