+63 9178988226  /  +63 9178270828   drmerced@lifestream.com.ph
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For those who had been told - "You have an incurable disease"

Empowering people by providing them with access to high-quality integrative health care.


It can be hard to know which treatments are safe and effective, especially when it comes to alternative and integrative medicine.

Many alternative and integrative medicine treatments are unproven and can have serious side effects. This leaves patients with little choice but to put their trust in treatments that may not be safe.

At Lifestream Health Centre, we understand that it can be hard to know which treatments are safe and effective. That's why we offer a wide range of alternative and integrative medicine treatments that have been proven to be effective and safe. Our team of experts has more than 20 years of experience providing top-notch health care to patients, so you can be sure that you're in good hands.


Our Mission

The mission of Lifestream Health Centre is to empower people by providing them with access to high-quality integrative healthcare practices that address their unique needs, and educate our patients and the community about the benefits of these approaches so they can make informed choices about their health and well-being. 

Our Vision

Our vision is for a more compassionate world where everyone has access to integrative medicine and lifestyle. Lifestream Health Centre offers comprehensive and individualized healthcare based on integrative therapies and alternative medicine approaches and has opened its doors to welcome patients and the community. Currently, we treat clients in a home-like environment and offer healthy alternative medicine practices including, acupuncture, Chinese medicine (herbal medicine), naturopathy services such as diet and nutrition counseling; Personalized Wellness Consultations for integrative treatment of Chronic Functional Disorders.


1. We offer treatments and lifestyle changes that work.

2. We're here to help you restore your health.

3. We believe in the power of health, and our clinic is dedicated to restoring yours.

4. From the inside out, we're committed to helping you get to your best possible self.

About Us

Lifestream Health Centre is an alternative and integrative medical clinic that offers treatments and lifestyle changes to patients. The clinic was founded by Dr. Fe Jocelyn G. Merced MD, FPAMS, in 2020. We recognize that many people are uncomfortable with conventional medical treatments and seek a more natural approach to their health. Lifestream Health Centre focuses on holistic and naturopathic methods to improve your health.

Why Choose Us?

We focus not only on the symptoms but on the individual as a whole and, accordingly, recommend treatments designed to improve not only the symptoms but also the lifestyle. We provide integrative therapies, dietary changes, and supplements to help patients manage their health. The clinic's knowledgeable staff helps patients live healthier, more balanced lifestyles.

Electro-Acupuncture by Voll (EAV)

Electro-Acupuncture by Voll (EAV) is a method of diagnosing and treating illness that uses electrical current to measure the resistance of acupuncture points. This method is said to be able to determine the root cause of an illness and to find the most effective treatment.

Electro-acupuncture by Voll is said to be able to determine the root cause of an illness and to find the most effective treatment. The method involves using electrical current to measure the resistance of acupuncture points. By doing so, it is said that practitioners can determine not only the symptoms of an illness, but also its root cause. This information can then be used to prescribe an appropriate treatment plan.


Detoxification is the process of removing toxins from the body. Toxins can come from many sources, including food, water, air pollution, and stress. They can accumulate in the body over time and can cause a variety of health problems.

Detoxification can help improve your overall health and well-being. It can help reduce your risk of disease, improve your energy levels, and boost your immune system. Detoxification is an important part of a healthy lifestyle and should be considered by everyone. If you are interested in detoxification treatments, please contact Lifestream Health Centre today. We would be happy to help you get started on the path to better health!

Lymphatic Laser Massage

Lymphatic laser massage is a treatment that uses lasers to help improve the flow of lymphatic fluid. The laser energy helps to break up any blockages in the lymphatic system and improve the overall health of the lymphatic system. The massage also helps to stimulate the immune system and improve circulation.

The lymphatic system is responsible for removing toxins from the body, so improving its function can have a number of benefits. Some of the conditions that may benefit from lymphatic laser massage include: cancer, lymphedema, chronic fatigue syndrome, and autoimmune disorders.

The massage is performed by a therapist who uses a handheld device to direct the laser energy over the skin. The treatment is gentle and non-invasive, and most people find it to be relaxing. 

Changing one's health is possible.
We’ve done it before.

Let us help you with your health in a more caring way.

Get in touch with us for questions and consultations